
Woodview Weekly, September 6th
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Woodview Weekly, August 30th
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CCSD 46 District News 8/28/24
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Woodview School

340 Alleghany Road
Grayslake, IL 60030

(847) 223-3668
[email protected]

Map of Woodview School, 340 Alleghany Road, Grayslake, IL 60030

Community Safety Update

Dear CCSD 46 Community,

We are glad to share that we have been notified by the Grayslake Police Department that the allegations of an attempted abduction of a Grayslake youth on January 26th are unfounded. We are greatly relieved that this case is now closed. We have also been pleased to see an increase in precautions being taken by our students. We encourage our families to remind students walking to and from school or the bus stop to continue to do so with friends, siblings, or parent/guardians, and to be aware of their surroundings at all times.


Dr. Lynn Glickman

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Estimada Comunidad CCSD 46,

Nos complace compartir que hemos sido notificados por el Departamento de Policía de Grayslake que las acusaciones de un intento de secuestro de un joven de Grayslake el pasado 26 de enero son infundadas. Estamos muy aliviados de que este caso ya esté cerrado. También nos ha complacido ver un aumento en las precauciones tomadas por nuestros estudiantes. Alentamos a nuestras familias a recordar a los estudiantes que caminan de ida y vuelta a la escuela o a la parada del autobús que continúen haciéndolo con amigos, hermanos o padres/tutores, y que sean conscientes de su entorno en todo momento.


Dr. Lynn Glickman

Posted 2/6/24